Our team members and volunteers are trained on a yearly basis about the following topics:
- Gender Equality
- Gender Based Violence Sensitivity
- Communication and financial reporting
- Preventing Corruption and financial
Our policies, rules and regulations are applicable on every person working affiliated with our activities & programs.
The following files are updated on a yearly basis and follow the highest international standards in integrity, anonymity of investigation, protection of data, confidentiality of claims.
Email us at: complaints.bfs@gmail.com for any type of claim. An international anonymous attorney is responsible to act upon receiving all the claims and reporting.
Assistance Protocol - BFS (pdf)
DownloadComplaints - BFS (pdf)
DownloadConfidentiality Reminder Note for Investigations (pdf)
DownloadDeclaration of Statement - BFS (pdf)
DownloadDetailed Code Of Conduct - BFS (pdf)
DownloadGeneral Conduct of Personnel - BFS (pdf)
DownloadMOS- PSEA _ BFS (pdf)
DownloadOnline Power Point Training - BFS (pdf)
DownloadProhibited Conduct - BFS (pdf)
DownloadWhistleBlower Protection Policy - BFS (pdf)
DownloadUNESCO-UNFPA-UNODC IAC Training_Anti-Corruption (pdf)
DownloadUNESCO-UNFPA-UNODC Training_Communication and Reporting (pdf)